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Vending at Events

Vending at Events

After 6 months, we decided to vend at an outdoor event in Virginia. It was windy and cold, nothing new during this time of the year. What was new, was the mood and how much more aloof we need to be around each keep ourselves and our families safe. Where vendors used to encourage customers to interact with their products, an abundance of precaution now permeates. From vendors putting barriers up around their tent to asking customers to sanitize their hands with wipes or a hand sanitizer, it has changed how we present and let our customers examine our products. 

The whole event was well organized, with vendors being spaced 6 feet apart, and the organizers were very mindful of how they interacted with and worked for the safety of their vendors. Hand sanitizers were plenty, floor signs directing flow of foot traffic, and staff providing vendors with food and individually wrapped snacks. We were happy with this event. 

Albeit less customers were present, which translates to less revenue, the plus is that, we vendors, have more space to showcase our products in a socially distant way. Where corner spots were once at premium prices, vendors now get the much needed additional space and product visibility. 

We have a ways to go until a vaccine is available, but for now, we like to think this has changed the way people shop and that is not always a bad thing.

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